The Historic Sunset Highway
in Washington
"The Trail to Sunset"
Big Excursion
Depart for Blewett on Sunday
Road Was in Fine Shape and Everyone Enjoyed Trip
Many Boosters Were in Attendance
Leavenworth Echo
May 14, 1915
In spite of the fact that it rained most of the day, some thirty-odd
automobilists made the excursion trip over the Blewett road to the
summit last Sunday. We have heard of no one who went from this city, but
Cashmere, Peshastin, Monitor, Wenatchee, Waterville
and Coulee City were represented.
About fifteen autoloads came up from Cle Elum, Roslyn and Ellensburg and
met the Chelan county party on the summit, where all joined together for
lunch. Everyone who made the trip enjoyed it immensely and those
familiar with the Colockum pass road stated that the Blewett route was
greatly superior.
The road is in better shape, the grades easier, and an abundant water
supply —which cannot be said about the road crossing the mountains
below Wenatchee. Addresses were delivered by Frank Reeves and C. B.
Hughes of Wenatchee, H. W. Otis of Peshastin, J. A. Balmer, Frank
Carpenter and A. A. Batterson of Cle Elum, G. K. Aiken of Roslyn and
Frank Fretwell of Seattle.
Before starting on the return trip pledges were made by the
excursionists to advertise the road as the most feasible route for the
thousands of eastern touring parties who are planning the overland trip
to the coast this summer.
Several motorists experienced some trouble on account of the slippery
roads, due to the rain, but not an accident happened during the day. The
wonderful scenery along the way interested the excursionists and from
all reports everyone was highly in favor of making it the main route
over the mountains to connect with the Snoqualmie pass highway.
Tom Parish, Chelan county road supervisor, deserves much credit for the
good condition that the road is now in. He personally looked after the
work and spent the little money available this year to the very best
possible advantage.
When in Leavenworth Wednesday Mr. Parish told an Echo reporter that
there was yet some work to be done on the road in the way of building
bridges and widening the road at some points, and when this was
completed something over a $1000 will have been spent this season by the
county between Ingalls creek and the summit.
He says there are four small bridges to be put in which will be built
jointly by Chelan county and the forestry department, the county
furnishing the lumber and the government taking care of the payroll. The
county commissioners have also hired a man to look after the maintenance
of the road this summer.
The Colockum Road or the Blewett Pass 1913
Blewett Pass Road Should Be Improved 1914
Proposed Route Between Wenatchee and Ellensburg 1915
Cle Elum Man Writes about Blewett Pass Road 1915
Blewett Pass Road in a Class by Itself 1915
Big Excursion Part at Blewett Sunday 1915
"Echo Point" Name of Curve on Blewett 1922
A Drive on Old Blewett Pass 2016
PDF Files
Mines and Miners of the Swauk by Josee Ann Jordan 1964
Swauk Basin History by Wesley C. Engstrom 2006